— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

SGMT | List of Documents Required by Immigration — 
In 2014, I wrote a post titled “What Filipinos Need to Know About Traveling Abroad: Guidelines from the Bureau of Immigration” and since then, I’ve had a lot of people writing to me and asking for advice on how to “pass” the Immigration screening. Two years have gone by since that article first came out so I thought I’d create this updated list of documents that travelers may be required to show at the Immigration counter.

What documents are required for ALL Filipinos who are traveling abroad as tourists?

  1. Passport issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) – must be unexpired with at least 6 months remaining validity*
  2. Visa – if required at the final destination
  3. Return ticket

*I emailed Immigration some time ago and they verified that the passport must be valid for 6 months from the date of departure.

The visa must be unexpired.

You must have a ticket for your flight back to the Philippines. A few people have asked if return tickets are still needed if, for example, they plan to go backpacking around Southeast Asia and don’t want to set their schedule in stone. I asked an Immigration officer about this and, yes, you still need a return ticket. This is because the country you are heading to — and most other countries — will almost certainly require tourists to present a return/onward ticket upon arrival, as proof that you don’t intend to stay in their country illegally or for longer than you’re permitted. Without a return/onward ticket, you could be sent back to the Philippines.

  • If you really intend to go on a trip without making specific plans for return, I suggest you set an estimated date of return and: (a) buy a ticket back to the Philippines from a budget airline, so it won’t hurt your pocket too much if you decide not to use it, OR (b) buy a ticket from an airline that will let you change travel dates. This strategy might cost you a bit more but that’s better than being sent back — prudence is cheaper than regret.

When may additional documents be required?

Aside from the basic requirements, some travelers may be asked to submit additional documents. This may happen when:

  1. The passenger discloses a doubtful, false or suspect travel intent. Example: A person who says she is going to, say, Singapore for tourism purposes but can’t even say what attractions she will visit. (Singapore is a frequent jump-off point for people planning to work in the Middle East without proper papers and, sorry, the Immigration guys know it.)
  2. Passports and travel documents/visas are counterfeit, fraudulent, falsified, simulated or tampered. Well, obviously this is suspicious, not to mention quite illegal!
  3. Passenger’s totality of circumstances manifests a well-founded certainty of human trafficking, smuggling or illegal recruitment. For this, the Immigration officer will consider the traveler’s:
    • Age/health
    • Educational attainment
    • Financial capability for travel
    • Travel history, if any
    • Final destination

Based on previous data and on the experience of Immigration officers, they know that certain people are more likely to become victims of human/drug trafficking or are more likely to say they are going abroad as tourists but are actually going there to work or to look for work. And look — most of us, even the Immigration people, understand that people want to escape poverty and need to provide for their families, but if you don’t go through the proper channels and you don’t have the proper papers, you will be in much greater danger of being abused by your employer. People in the country you’re going to will be able to blackmail you (or worse) and get you to do things you wouldn’t normally consent to doing. Even if the person who recruited you is your “friend” — do you really want to be the next Mary Jane Veloso? So please, if you want to work abroad, please, please try as much as possible to do it the proper way.

For tourists, you can find a list of documents that you can bring in this article: Offloading, required documents, and other Immigration FAQs.

What documents do you need to present to the Immigration officer if someone else is sponsoring your trip?

First of all, your sponsor must either be:

  • Living in your country of destination, OR
  • Traveling with you

I asked if the sponsor can be someone who is staying behind in the Philippines and the Immigration officer said no, they don’t really consider an affidavit from someone staying behind as enough assurance that he/she will be paying your travel expenses.

I do know that, for example, when you apply for a visa, the foreign embassy will accept it if your sponsor is someone like your parent, who’s not going with you on the trip but is simply giving you money for it. (See: Sample Affidavit of Support for Visa Application.) In that case, I think what you can do — for Immigration purposes — is you can ask your parents to transfer the money to your bank account, have a copy of your bank statement AND your parents’ bank statement on hand, and explain the whole thing to the IO if he/she asks. At least that’s what I would do if I were in that situation — probably overkill, but again, prudence is cheaper than regret.

So anyway, if someone in your destination is sponsoring your trip, you need to prepare:

  1. An Affidavit of Support and Undertaking that is duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate
  2. Proof that you are related to your sponsor up to the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, such as NSO birth certificates (it is the IO’s duty to trace the relationship, so don’t hate them for suddenly wanting to know each leaf of your family tree)
  3. Proof of your sponsor’s financial capacity and legal status
  4. Your sponsor’s contact details
  5. Your sponsor’s corporate registration papers, if applicable

If your sponsor is traveling with you, you need to submit a duly notarized Affidavit of Support and Undertaking which indicates:

  1. Your sponsor’s financial capacity
  2. His/her reason for sponsoring your trip
  3. The complete residential address and contact details of your sponsor
  4. Undertaking by your sponsor that the travel is solely for tourism purposes and that you will return upon completion of the tour (Source)

Note the difference: if your sponsor is already in the country you’re going to, the affidavit needs to be authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate there, but if your sponsor is traveling with you, the affidavit just needs to be notarized.

Travel clearance for Filipino minors

A travel clearance issued by the DSWD will be needed if the traveler is a minor (below 18 years old) and is:

  • Traveling alone to a foreign country, OR
  • Traveling to a foreign country with a person other than his/her parents

Read more about it here: Must-Knows for Filipinos Traveling with Children

Travel authority for government employees

These are the people who need to present a Travel Authority when going abroad — and their respective proper Issuing Authority:

  1. Cabinet members and equal-ranked officials — Office of the President
  2. Heads of government-owned or -controlled corporations (GOCCs) and government financial institutions (GFIs) attached to the Office of the President (OP) — Office of the President
  3. All OP-attached agency heads — Office of the President
  4. Officials and employees of GOCCs and GFIs (whether or not attached to the OP) — respective GOCC or GFI head
  5. Officials and employees of agency heads — department head
  6. Provincial governors and mayors of highly urbanized cities or independent component cities — DILG Secretary
  7. State university and college (SUC) heads — CHED Chairman
  8. Officials and employees of SUCs — respective SUC heads
  9. Technical and vocational school (TVS) heads — TESDA Chairman
  10. TVS officials and employees — respective TVS heads
  11. Government officials and employees traveling abroad while on leave of absence — respective department heads
  12. Government officials and employees with the rank of Assistant Secretary and above who will travel abroad while on leave of absence — Office of the President


For more tips on how to avoid getting offloaded, check out the following articles:

Offloading, required documents, and other Immigration FAQs
Offloading, required documents, and other Immigration FAQs

Filipina offloaded from flight at NAIA
Filipina offloaded from flight at NAIA

Anti-offloading tips from an Immigration officer
Anti-offloading tips from an Immigration officer

And coming up: a list of common questions asked by Immigration officers based on our travel experiences. Subscribe to SmallTown Girls, Midnight Trains to get the latest travel tips and updates.

Pinoy Abroad: List of Documents Required by Immigration for International Travel© Small-Town Girls, Midnight Trains. All rights reserved.
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155 Responses

  1. Hi. I’m a freelancer and plans to backpack in Thailand-Cambodia-Vietnam route. This will be my first time to travel. Will my status as a freelancer will subject me to BI doubts as illegal? As we know it doesn’t mean since we’re freelancer we don’t have a steady flow of income. We’re just our own boss, but sadly some “employed” people have prejudices against the informal sector.
    Secondly, the tickets I purchased through a promo was Mla-Thai and homebound would be Saigon-Manila since my last stop is Vietnam. Is this wise? I mean, we’ll start at Bangkok, then Cambodia, and Vietnam so naturally I don’t need an airline ticket to Cambodia because I’ll be taking the bus and going back to Bangkok to Manila would be longer and more expensive route than flying from Saigon back to Manila. Is this going to cause me trouble? I’d like to hear what you think of this plan. Thank you very much. I really enjoy your blog.

    1. Hi Ann!

      Don’t worry, I think the Immigration guys are already quite familiar with people who do freelance work. As you said, being a freelancer doesn’t mean that you don’t have a steady flow of income, so you just really need to come prepared with documents related to your income, such as ITR, invoices, bank statements, contracts with your clients, etc. As for your planned Bangkok-Cambodia-Saigon itinerary, that should be fine. Just make sure you have your itinerary planned out (it’s best if you print it out) and you can answer questions like where you’re going to take the bus, how much it’s going to cost, etc. You should also print out your hotel/guesthouse vouchers or confirmation emails — those will help you prove your proposed itinerary.

      Even if it’s your first time to travel abroad, try not to be nervous. Answer questions calmly and confidently, and never lie to the IO.

      Good luck and enjoy your trip! 🙂

      1. Hi good day po ask ko lng regarding to immigration requirements sa naia ah pupunta po kase ako ng qatar by sponsor ng pinsan ko iam just wondering if pwede po gawing proof na first degree na pinsan ko siya gamit yung nso ng mother niya which is my aunt and my fathers true copy of birth certificate from the civil registry of the cityhall kase wala po siyang record sa nso do you think po pwede ko po yun gamitin thanks for the reply

      2. Hi Junghee. Kasi dapat ma-show mo yung relationship nyo, so kung hanggang NSO lang ng nanay nya, you’ll have to find a way to show na nanay nya yun.

      3. hi po .. ask ko lng po kac kac po mag babakasyon ako sa malaysia para makita girlfriend ko for 3 days 4 nights lng po .. kac sa ngaun po unemployed po ako ngaun at nag tratraning po ako sa tesda ng welding pang japan … ex abroad po ako sa pupuntahan kung country malaysia..
        meron po ako round trip ticket,, hotel booking,, at certificate ko po sa tesda na on training po ako… ooffloaded pa rin ba ako sir/mam?

    1. How was your IO experience Ann? I am bound to do the same thing this October. And would really appreciate your insight. Thanks 🙂

    2. Good day po. Tanong ko lang po . Kasi pinag babakasyon po kami dalawa ng aking anak sa hong kong ng aking asawa. Mga 10 days daw po kami doon. christmas season. Pano po ba ang proseso nang ganon. Gusto lamang po kami pag bakasyunin nang aking asawa pina pa invite din po kme ng employer nya.

  2. hi i just wanted to know if i still need a affidavit of support after we just passed one last june when we traveled together going to singapore? and im planning to fly back to singapore to see him but im confused if i still need a affidavit even im going to see the same guy? he lives there, i have the copy of his passport and visa…

    i wanted to know what else should i need to bring?

    1. Hi Kathy! I’m not sure but I think you would need another one because affidavits are fairly specific. For example, if someone pledges to pay for your travel expenses on your previous trip, that won’t necessarily mean that he promises to do the same for your next trip. Did your previous affidavit mention the travel dates of your previous trip?

  3. Hi im a fillipina …. recently my ipa has expire n was extend for 7days more . Thinking of exit to batam for a week n return to singapore as a visitor . What r the things i av to take note when going thru the custom . Much appreciated for your advice .

    1. Hi Anna. I’m afraid I don’t really know much about situations like that. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

  4. Hi, I’m crez. Can I ask you something, last march 2016 I was offloaded bound for Thailand due to lack of documents to show up. So I decided not to go back anymore since they gave me a slip to complete all the said requirements like OEC, and etc., they knew that I want to go there for work purposes..
    My boyfriend work in Thailand and he have a working permit now, he told me to visit him this September, but I I’m in doubt this time because of that incident, can I still travel to Thailand again? How about my pending name in BI? Do you think this will affect me if I want to travel to Thailand for vacation purposes only? , As of now, I have no work, I read your blog and one of the requirements is a company id if you have work. What would be the documents I should present for IO,? This time my intention is pure, I just want to visit my boyfriend. What would be the best thing I should do? Is it possible to have an invitation letter from my boyfriend to proof that I just want to go there for vacation and not for work.

    Please help! I need your advice…highly appreciated. Thank you so much…

    1. Hi Crez! You can try to ask your boyfriend to give you an invitation letter as well as an affidavit that he will pay for your expenses there and that you will come back to the Philippines as scheduled. If you have a bank account, bring a bank certificate/statement too. However, I can’t guarantee that this will be enough — it would really be best if you had documents that will indicate that you have roots here in the Philippines and that you are most likely to come back. Best advice ko na lang siguro is to just try, you’ll never know unless you try, but buy yung promo na plane ticket para if ever ma-offload ka ulit — sana talaga hindi, but if ever lang — at least hindi masyadong masakit sa bulsa compared to yung regular fare na ticket. Good luck, I hope makalusot!

    2. hi mam/sir ask ko lng po regarding sa GF ko.. binook ko sa travel agency ung gf ko pa Singapore ng oct 2 to 5 nxt month then ask ko lang po if hindi xa ma oofload sa mga requirements nia

      regular po work nia license PRD ID sales Executive xa sa shiping company bali ang mga hawak niang files is

      round trip ticket
      hotel booking tru gmit Creditcard
      3 credit card issue ng BDO 2 and AUB 1
      1 debit savings worth 50k + meron on hand money
      ITR and OEC pti SS meron din
      leave form sa company from 2 to 5 every kc pabalik nia nmn is 5 ng 10am so mkkpasok pa xa ng oct 6
      itinerary nagp lan xa ng knia nka plano ung ggwn nia at mhilig dn xa mag take ng picture so my dala xang camera

      edad nia 28yr and license broker ma questionable padin ba xa? tingn mo po?salamat po kc knakabahan padn xa kht dun lng xa pupunta..salamat po

    3. Hi Crez, want to know if you been in thailand. i mean for the second chance nka labas kaba ng bansa?
      My sister issue is the same. Please advise. thank yot

  5. Hi i just want to ask regarding the case of my brother he is minor(17 yrs old) and we are both travelling going to georgia, but the situation is i will meet him here in qatar airport, while he will be coming from philippines alone. Since i was working here in qatar so i just planned to meet him here then we are both going to georgia. Can you please help me regarding the documents he will need to have except the dswd permit. Thank you so much

  6. Hi! This post is really helpful.
    I just have a question about proof of 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity like NSO/marriage certificate. Does this need authentication? If yes, how? It’s issued here in Philippines. And aside from this document, what else do I need as proof? My American husband will sponsor my whole trip. He’s working in Malaysia. Has house and car there too. Please help.

    1. Hi Queenie. If your husband is sponsoring the trip, you would need the marriage certificate issued by NSO — that doesn’t need further authentication.

  7. Hi! Regarding departure card. We have family business naka corporation and treasurer ang position ko. Ano tapad ilalagay ko self employed or businesswoman? Plesse help po first time to travel with my 1 year old daughter.

    1. Hi Anne. I think businesswoman would be a nice general term, and you can elaborate on it if the immigration officer asks. And try to bring documents that will prove your position in the company. Good luck!

  8. Hi i came across ur blog and its very helpful, i just want to ask you few question here, ok, i’m currently working here now in cavite, and me and my daughter are planing to fly to my husband country in Vanuatu, we living together almost 8 years now and we just got married last year June 26. since my husband is a student here in the Philippines, his brother back in Vanuatu are the 1 who will be sponsoring us paying our return ticket. i will leave for 3 weeks and come back here to start work again, since i dont have much money in my bank account, do still need to present my bank statement to IO, i have all proves that i’m currently working here now and we will just staying there for 3 weeks, the only problms here is that my husband will not the 1 who will sponsor us since he just graduates and he dont have job yet now. i already secure my CFO certificate, i’m just being nervous on how to make my clearance in immigraion. thnk u

    1. Hi Evelyn! If you can get your brother-in-law to make an affidavit of support stating that he will be sponsoring your trip, that will help very much. If you can, just bring along your bank statement, but the affidavit of support from your brother-in-law would be more important since he is the one paying for the trip. Be sure to bring a copy of your marriage certificate as well. Good luck!

  9. Ask q lng po ok na po ung permit to travel q at principal lng nmn pumirma..kc Sb nya pwde na dw in,thanks public teacher po kc aq

    1. Hi Jen/Vanessa! I’m not sure but I think it’s okay, kasi sa pagkakaalam ko, for employees of state universities and colleges and technical and vocational schools, yung head ng school dapat mag-sign ng travel authority. So in your case, ang principal siguro, kasi sya yung head ng school nyo.

    2. Hi Jen, ginamit mo b ang permit to travel na pinirmahan lang ng school principal mo? Tinanggap b ng IO sa airport?

      please I want to know kc yan din ang problema ko ngayon

  10. As dep ed kasi po Ako,my dala po aqng itr,Payslip,Coe,leave of absence,debit card,passbook na dlwa,prc I’d,company I’d,return ticket,booking hotel,travel iterinary,tas ung paper ng grab a car q po,3rd time q na po itong mgttravel sa Taiwan..thanks

  11. Hi. Me, my mom and my son will travel to Japan in January 2016 as a Tourist (Visa granted). My Sister lives there but i choose not to ask for sponsorship kse ayoko maabala sister ko and bayaw ko dun. its a 2weeks vacation, we are booked for 3 hotels pero tig 1-2days lang kse we intend to really stay at my sisters house.

    pwede ko ba sabihin sa immigration na dun kme magstay sa house ng sister ko? I know they will be asking san kme magstay and ung mga hotels na nkabook kse is yung mga papasyalan lang namin na lugar na malayo tlaga from her place which is 1-2days lang kme nakabook. Do you think maqquestion kme dun kse may sister pala ko dun tapos d ako nagpa invite? Thank you! hope to hear from you!

      1. BTW, i have complete documents coz i have work nga. ITR, COE, Bank Cert (my mom also has her own bank statement), i have debit and creditcard etc maybe that’s why i was approved for a visa. I’m just worried lang tlaga if I need to tell them na my sister lives there. Sabi nya kse mdami kme pwede pasyalan kung san kme abutan ng gabi mdaming hotels na pwedeng tuluyan if d na kayang umuwi sa yamagata.

      2. Hi Ganda! If you tell Immigration you’ll be staying with your sister, there’s a good chance they might ask for an invitation from your sister, as well as proof that you guys are related (like birth certs). BUT if you tell them that you’ll be staying in hotels, and you only have bookings for certain dates, they will also question that. I think the best thing for you to do would be to ask your sister for an invitation and, ideally, have it authenticated by the embassy/consulate there. Another option would be to just book hotels for those days that you’re staying with your sister. (At, you can search for hotels that have free cancellation.)

  12. Hae po, nag pa plano po sana ako na pumunta ng thailand para magtrabaho bilang guro. First time ko po mag travel pag nagkataon. Bawal po bang mag apply doon ng trabaho? Kung pwede naman po, ano po ang dapat kung e prepare o dalhin? Wala po akong alam na agency na pwedeng lapitan.

    1. Hi Jerusalem! Sorry sa late reply, busy lang talaga. Um…sa pagkakaalam ko…kapag magtatrabaho ka sa ibang bansa, dapat dumaan sa tamang proseso for OFWs, hindi ko lang alam masyado kung anong mga procedures yon, basta pag-alis mo sa bansa, dapat meron ka nang papers like OEC. I think merong iba na pinapayagang umalis ng bansa kung meron na talaga silang interview with their prospective employer, pero kung wala ka pang prospects, mag-a-apply ka pa lang, parang hindi yata pwede….

      Sorry I can’t give you more definite answers kasi hindi ko pa na-try. Ang best thing talaga na gawin mo is go to POEA and ask for guidance there. You can read more about it sa website nila:

  13. Mam ano po kaya ang kelangan ko i present sa IO kasi i am currently working in a government. Pero job order lang po ako. Kung makikita nila na id ko is sa government ako work hahanapan nila ako ng leave form. Pag job order po kasi wala naman ganun na i issue samin po. Thanks po

    1. And sa dubai po pla ang punta ko my first cousin po kasi ako dun. Sponsor nia ako. Pero mejo na ba bother ako sa IO baka kasi i offload nila ako pag nla mkita financial capability ko.

      1. Oo, you would have to prove that you can afford the trip OR that sponsored ang expenses mo by your cousin. You can ask him/her to make an Affidavit of Support tapos ipa-authenticate sa Philippine embassy dun sa Dubai. Then you would have to prove na tourism lang talaga ang pakay mo dun, at hindi ka maghahanap ng trabaho. Good luck!

    2. Hi Tere! Do you have a contract ba or any kind of paper that you sign kapag job order? Perhaps you can present that instead.

  14. Good day,

    Your blog is very informative. I have been reading the comments also.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t find the answer of my question. So now, I am going to ask and much appreciated if you will be able to respond.

    I am 22 years old from Cebu City. A French friend(male) of mine is inviting me to go to his country to visit as a tourist but then it’ll be difficult for me as I don’t have any proof that I can afford going abroad.

    He will be my sponsor.

    What best to do ? Please advice me some.

    1. Hi Linda!

      The best thing you can probably do would be to get him to execute an Affidavit of Support. Also, prepare proof of your relationship, such as pictures and emails/messages, that would help provide the background for why he’s sponsoring your trip. Actually, you will need to prepare several documents in order to get a Schengen visa to visit France, and those documents are pretty much what you might also have to present when it’s time for you to go through Immigration.

      You can read more about getting a visa here:

      Good luck!

  15. Hi! I think your blog would really help me.
    I’m worried kasi sa second vacation namin ng anak ko next month. Last December 2016 kasi nag asked ng ECC yung Immigration sa Airport dahil first time mag exit anak ko at korean passport gamit nya. At they considered as foreigner na nga anak ko dahil wala pa Philippine passport. 3mos baby ko nung umalis kami for vacation sa Malaysia dahil dun naka-based asawa ko. Then babalik sana ulit kami dun next month para magbakasyon. Need ko pa ba ulit ng ECC? Or anything na hahanapin sakin sa immigration ng airport..
    Thank you for reply.

    1. Hi Nhice. I’m very sorry but I’m not familiar with those types of situations. I suggest you get in touch directly with the Bureau of Immigration para sure. Good luck!

  16. Hi Good day ,
    Me and my bf are planning to go on vacay in Malaysia for a week. He will be the one who will pay all the expenses ,what papers do i need to give them so that i can avoid the offloading thing .Thanks in advance.

  17. Hi
    I am a public school teacher, and we have this summer vacation, I have already a return ticket to London (almost 2 months)
    and I have a UK Visit Visa.
    I will visit my bf in London to spend time together, and visit some tourist attractions within UK.
    My problem is the travel permit, can I use a travel authority signed by my school head/princiapal? Will the IO would accept it?
    I have sufficient funds plus my bf bought my roundtrip ticket and I will stay in his place, I have all his documents- invitation letter, passport, bank statements, tenancy agreement etc., and I have my service record, bank statement, ITR, etc, except TRAVEL PERMIT.
    I dont want to get offload.
    Can I just have it the travel permit signed by my school principal? and it is summer, we don’t have classes/work for April and May.

    Pls help me.
    Nag inquire po kc ako sa Division namin sb magfile daw ako ng leave of absence without pay para mkakuha travel permit signed by the regional director ng DepEd, napapaisip po ako kc classroom teacher po ako at may summer vacation kami, (pag sa Pilipinas lang magtour hndi na kami kumukuha ng travel permit at may PROPORTIONAV VACATION PAY (PVP),
    at dahil gusto ko kumuha ng permit to travel abroad po eh pinapagfile ako ng vacation leave without pay, at magdededuct sila sakn at pnapainclude pa sakn sa number of working days yun holiday like “maundy thursday, good friday at labor day” at weekends sa total number of working days applied for… at un ang ideduct sa PVP ko eh un PVP eh tutuusin un attendance mula June-March, kaya nga po summer vacation ako punta ng UK kc walang work at entitled kami sa summer vacation.

    Gusto ko po sana hndi na lang ituloy un pag aaplay ko ng travel permit sa division na ipapasa sa regional director..

    gusto ko po sana un travel permit signed by my school head kaso hindi po ako sigurado kung tatanggapin sa Airport IO.
    Pls help me, pwede po kaya?



    1. Hi Arcelli. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to your question. Ang alam ko lang kasi, yung Travel Authority mula sa school head, but I’m not familiar with the travel permit. I hope the other commenter (Jen) can you give an answer to that. Good luck!

      1. same lang po un travel permit and travel authority…
        my confusion po is what the IO would look for, pwede na po b un travel authority signed by my school head

        I am a public school teacher.

        sa post nyo po kc d specific un public school teachers, only the SUCs and TVL

      2. Yun lang din kasi ang nasa listahan ng Bureau of Immigration. They don’t have public school teachers or other public school employees in their list. I would think that since officials and employees of SUCs and TVSs only have to get a travel authority from the SUC/TVS head, then it would logically follow that for public schools, you only have to get a travel authority from the public school head. But I’m not sure because I’ve never tried it. Kung gusto mong makasigurado talaga, I would recommend na magtanong ka na lang sa Bureau of Immigration, at least sa kanila talaga manggagaling. Good luck!

      3. salamat po sir…
        I would try…
        dito kc sa division namin iba sinasabi, hanggang sa regional director pa ang approval at maproseso…

        unlike sa list ng ibinigay ninyo school head lang…

  18. Hi! Please help me naman po, i am a student and my bf is inviting me to his country to visit him and a bday trip also. I provide all the documents pero ang winoworry ko lang po is wala kami pictures together after mawala yung phone ko. You think guys maququestion ako nun dahil wala kami picture together? I have proof naman na bf ko sya by remitances and our conversation. Any suggestions po??

    1. Hi Anne. It’s possible that the IO will ask for pictures that will prove your relationship, posible namang hindi. Yung boyfriend mo ba walang pictures sa inyong dalawa? Wala ka bang in-upload sa Facebook, Instagram, etc.? Pero kung wala ka talagang other source of pictures, e wala ka nang magagawa dun, so try to bring your other proofs of your relationship na lang.

  19. Hi Po, I’m thankful that I read your blog. I will be traveling to Thailand next month and also to meet my bf. He’s traveling there too from the US. Sakto Naman Ang flight schedules name PAra magkita. Pero I’m a freelancer (online job), at Wala akong maipakitang company ID. I traveled to HK last 2015 but I had my company ID to show since that time I was employed. Pero kabado pa Rin sa IO. He transferred money just in case maghanap Ng bank statement. I also have another bank account for my savings, Pero I don’t have credit card Po. Worried Po ako Kasi ako lng magisa at nako mahirap ma offload. Any tips please….. Thank you

    1. Hi Ashlee!

      My tip would be not to worry about those things that you really don’t have — like a company ID and credit card — because you can’t do anything about them. Instead, concentrate your effort on preparing ALL the documents that you do have. Re-read this article and try to read also those articles suggested here, like:

      Good luck!

  20. Hi, my Australian friend invited me to visit him in Oz, I have a visa and a round trip ticket purchased by my friend using his CC.

    Now im worried becoz we never met, we’re both male btw.

    IO might ask our pics together, i can only show our picture together through Skype videocall (screen shot), I have our gmail and WhatsApp conversation as well, and also remittance receipts from 2014 to present.

    He will complete his affidavit of support authenticated (red ribbon) by Philippine consulate in OZ.

    This are the doc’s i have now:
    -COE stating my salary and Leave of absence.
    -photoy copy of my Boss and our HRD who signed my Leave of absence and COE.
    -Voters Certificate
    -Company I.D
    -Credit Cards and monthly Billing
    -Bank Statement (with a small amount of money)
    -Tourist Visa
    -Roundtrip Ticket with Receipt (purchased by my friend)
    – Affidavit of support
    – copy of my friends Passport
    -Copy of my friends Bank statement
    -Copy of my friends Water Billing address to his own house
    -Copy of friends credit card used to purchased my ticket
    -Credit card authorization
    -WhatsApp and Gmail Conversation
    -invitation Letter

    What else should I provide? Please help

    1. Hi Kc!

      First of all, let me commend you for industriously putting together these documents for your trip. I think that’s a great attitude to have when it comes to travel. May it serve you well!

      I really think you’ve got almost everything covered. The only thing I can suggest would be to put together a daily itinerary for your trip. And if you are going to visit some sights for which you have already bought tickets online, a printout of the tickets/vouchers might help too.

      Good luck and have a great trip!

  21. Yes i have a printout of my roundtrip ticket/confirmed flight with me together with the receipt from PAL.

    And ok i’ll provide a daily itenerary and memorize it.

  22. Hi Ms Gaya, I need your advise. I am planning to visit korea for just 1 week, I am currently employed now. My roundtrip ticket will be my own expense I have bank account with 50k,so it means I have enough funds in Korea for 1week, But my problem is.My inviter will be my Boyfriend,he is studying there and at the same time working.Ma-ooffload po ba ako? Complete nmn po mag requirements ko if ever. Thankyou.

    Hoping for your respone.

    1. Hi MJ. I really can’t predict whether someone will be offloaded or not, but if your requirements are complete, I don’t see why you would be offloaded. Good luck!

  23. Hi Mam,

    Thank you for this informative post. Highly appreciate the helpful tone (iba kasi nakaka-discourage lol)

    Anyways, I’m planning to visit Bali this July 30-Aug 8 along with my French boyfriend. We’re going to travel together from Manila and he’ll come back as well since his flight back to Paris is on Sept pa (and from Manila din). I am employed naman so I can provide the COE and leave of absence. I also have a bank account with funds na kaya naman akong i-support just in case something happens. Accommodations have been paid by him for the entire duration of stay and ako naman ang nag pay ng roundtrip tickets namin.

    Problem is, first time ko to travel abroad. Do you think magkakaproblema ako? Hope you can give me advice on this one. Thank you so much! :*

    1. Hi Kim! As long as you have those documents, I don’t think you’ll have a problem. Perhaps just bring along proof that you’ve been on the relationship for quite some time para hindi sila magsuspect ng trafficking or something like that. Good luck and enjoy your trip!

  24. Hi Ms. Gaya.Paano po kaya if ang magbabayad ng airline ticket at hotel accomodation ko e yung foreign friend ko(hindi ko tlga bf).magkikita lng sana kmi sa Singapore for weekends.need ko p rin b ng invitation letter or pwede ba siyang mgexecute ng affidavit of support(hindi nman cia related sken upto 4th degree).nakakalito.kse if invitation letter namn,hindi nman cia resident or worker sa Singapore instead consultant cia sa Vietnam and his contract there is until June lang.just will take his chance to travel here in Asia and fulfill his promise to me na we will go to Singapore to see Sentosa.saan po kaya ang perfect avenue to file or authenticate those documents.nakakalito lng the way, may work nman po ako pero kksimula ko lng ng Jan.thank you po.

    1. Hi Nica! Actually I’m not sure rin what to do in your case. 🙁 Siguro…what I would do if I were in your place…just ask him na lang to make an affidavit of support kahit hindi sya relative, tapos i-document mo yung friendship ninyo, like screenshot/printout ng mga messages/emails ninyo, particularly yung nagpromise sya na dalhin ka sa Singapore. Good luck!

  25. Hi Ms Gaya, this is my situation, i have a British partner we have a 2yo son and planning to go for Holiday in HK, hindi po kmi kasal kasi he is still married sa isang filipina din. Magiging cause po ba 2 na maoffload kmi ng baby ko? Pls advice me . Thank you xx

    1. Hi Cardaslove. Sorry, I don’t know if that alone will cause you to be offloaded. Maybe you can try asking others in a similar situation? Good luck!

  26. Hi Ms. Gaya, ask ko lang po, Magtravel po kasi kami ng mother ko papuntang hong kong pareho po kaming 1st time na mag-ttravel. Bale ako po employed with coe, and itr. Mother ko po house wife kaya ako po lahat mag-shoulder ng gastos. Need pa po ba ng certificate of sponsorship? Or enough na po yun na ako po may complete documents? Thank you po

    1. Hi Yvo! Depende siguro if grabeng maghihigpit ang IO at magrerequire talaga ng affidavit of sponsorship for your mom, pero usually hindi na. All the times that I’ve traveled with my mom (who is also a housewife), never syang nirerequire ng sponsorship documents. If I were in your place, I won’t prepare an affidavit of support nah. Just make sure your own documents are complete. Good luck! And have a great trip with your mom. She’s lucky to have a son like you treating her to a vacation. 🙂

  27. hi i just want to ask , i have visa for 90 days and i was wondering if what requirments i should bring when i go to naia terminal 3 i have garantor and invited by US navy Military SOFA status that shoulder all of my expenses what should i bring in in me ?? i have tickets roundtrip and visa .i hope you will reply on thisthanks!!
    – nika

    1. Hi Nika! I don’t know the specific requirements for somebody invited by someone in the US military, but you can just go through the list here, as well as the documents listed in the articles I mentioned in the article, and bring all those that apply to you. Good luck.

  28. Hi! Thanks for your article, very informative talaga. I have a question regarding the Affidavit of Support and Undertaking. My Australian partner is going to get an affidavit at the Philippine Embassy there . But then I want him to pick me up and our baby here in the Philippines. If he comes to pick us up and travel with us going to Australia, what should we present to the Immigration, a notarized affidavit or the one duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy. Thank you for answering.

    1. Hi Charry! I think the affidavit authenticated by the Philippine embassy would hold more weight. Good luck and have a good journey!

      1. Thanks for your reply, Ms. Gaya….. I have another question po..When purchasing an airfare online, my partner’s credit card failed to work, so he used his son’s cc instead (with consent). Ang question q po sana,,,aside po sa photocopy ng cc front and back, kelangan pa po ba ng authorization letter galing sa anak niya? Thank you po sa sagot.

      2. Hi Charry! Are you asking about the Immigration officer or at the check-in counter? If you mean the at the check-in counter, I think it will depend on airline policy. If you mean at the Immigration counter, I don’t know if they will be that meticulous as to examine the details of the credit card used to purchase the ticket. Does the ticket actually reflect your partner’s son’s name or only the credit card number? If it doesn’t have his son’s name then it seems to me highly unlikely that Immigration will demand authorization from his son.

      3. Thanks Ms. Gaya….. We will be leaving next month na po. I used your article as a guide in preparing all the necessary documents. Very helpful po talaga. I hope we go ok on our trip.

    2. Hi I am Rose, matagal din na panahon na naghanap ako ng mga post na makakatulong po sa status ko. I am a U. S tourist visa holder given 10 year multiple entry. My Ist time po na nakapasok ako sa u. S that was 2016 and i stayed 5 mos in the u. S and went back to Phil.. And after 4 mos of same year I decided to go back to u. S at ang pinaka sad po is hindi ako nakapasok jan palang sa check in po di na po ako nakapasok di pa ako umabot sa u. S immigration.. With out any reason o na binigay sabi lng i had to see u. S embassy pro di ko din po nagawa kasi di po tayo pwd pumasok na di nakapag appoint.. Isa lng rason na nakita ko na bakit kasi i used dummy or only reserves ticket sa round trip. Not confirmed bookings.. Ano kaya if I will try to go back again.. Makapasok kaya ulit ako? Di naman cancelled ang visa ko.. Salamat po sa masasagot na advice po sa akin.. Godbless

    1. Hi Aminah! Just go over the list of documents in this article and in the articles linked here and see which ones apply to your situation. Good luck!

  29. Hi I just want to ask, I got offloaded last week for my supposed to be travel in Hongkong for the reason of the one (actually it is a company in Russia) that sponsors my travel is not a relative, suppose to be I will just go there to get Russian business visa since it is easier to get visa there, they told me to get visa here in the Philippines instead, so I did, now that I already have my business visa, is my offloaded history might affect my travel to Moscow? Do I have a chance to get offloaded again even if I have all the needed documents/requirements? And I also really wanna go to Hongkong for vacation and visit all the tourist destination there especially the Disneyland, is that possible? This time I will shoulder all my travel expenses and By the way this is my first time to travel abroad and I really wanted Hongkong to be my first country to travel, hope you still find time to read my question, and your blog really helps, thanks in advance

  30. Hello po Ms. Gaya I hope you can give me some advise regarding my trip. I will travel for vacation to Bali this October for 11 days. I’ll be meeting my foreign boyfriend there. He’s a non-Swiss but currently working in Switzerland. We will meet halfway and explore Bali together and also he’s been to the Philippines many times. Though I’ve been to HK last year but still I get worried (and scared) the moment I’ll face the IO again(kasi I read articles about offloaded passengers). My boyfriend paid for my flight tickets, hotel accomodation, etc though I am currently employed. I have prepared the ff docs: COE, LOA, my latest ITR, payslips, bank statement, debit cards, pocket money (just in case IO will ask) daily itinerary and I also collated our pics together and printed it. Are these enough? I read in your article if someone is sponsoring the trip we should ask for an Affidavit of support and guarantee but we are not related. In one of your replies you said ” …just ask him na lang to make an affidavit of support kahit hindi sya relative”. Is this an official document? I’m confused po. I hope you can enlighten me with this. Big thanks in advance and Godbless.

    1. Hi Gracel!

      Sorry for the delayed reply. According to the IO, the sponsor should ideally be a relative who is living in your destination or traveling with you. However, in your case, your sponsor is not a relative, and there’s nothing you can do about that, you can’t make him a relative. So just focus on what you CAN do, which is making sure that you have all the documents that you might need. It seems like you’re doing a pretty good job at that so far. Now, the important thing with Immigration is to make sure that you have documents to prove that whatever you tell them is the truth. So: how will you prove that your boyfriend is sponsoring your trip? That’s where your boyfriend’s affidavit of support comes in.

      Good luck!

      1. I have the same situation ..I’m going to Bali next July 2018 and my bf sponsor. ..what if I don’t have any relatives in my destination I can’t go anymore

  31. Hi po Ms. Gaya,
    I’m currently here in abroad (OFW two times here)…bale plan ko po magtour sa Hongkong for 3days just a treat for myself,I’m worried po kasi baka maooffload ako,my college friend is inviting me po dun sa pad nya mag stay while I’m there..BTW meron na po ako return ticket ulit dito kasi bakasyon lang po ako for one month. Sa Pinas. Please help thank u po

  32. Hi Ms. Gaya,

    This site is very informative. Thank you. I have a question though, I would like to visit my brother in Malaysia on January for a week only. Is it okay to tell the IO that I will be staying at my brother’s house because thats the truth or better to book hotel stay.


    1. Hi Anna!

      It’s definitely best to tell the IO that you’re staying with your brother. Just make sure that you have proof of your relationship [like your brother’s and your birth certificates showing the same parent(s)] and also documents showing your brother’s status (resident? citizen?) and address in Malaysia. It also wouldn’t hurt to have an invitation letter from your brother stating that he will let you stay with him.

      Good luck and have a safe trip!

  33. Thank you, you think it’s okay to just present a fotocopy of his birth cert since my brother have it with him in Malaysia and I didnt want to risk bringing my original copy as well cause I might lose it.

    1. Hi Anna! So sorry to have missed your question — for some reason, a bunch of comments were put in the Spam section. 🙁 Anyway, you can always request copies of birth certificates from NSO. Better to bring those NSO-certified birth certificates (the ones in colorful paper) than just a photocopy.

  34. Hi good evening Mam,

    Na offload ako nung June 2017 papuntang Thailand magbabakasyon ako dun with my Australian bf. Kaso na offload ako. So my bf decided na sunduin ako manila. He went to Manila to pick me up. And the IO talked to my bf and interviewed him. Asked questions about our relationship. And he proved it. He showed pictures. And some conversation. My bf visited me in Manila for couple of times. So we have alot of pictures together. The IO gave him a form and asked him to sign it stating that I will go back on the said return dates. My bf signed it. And everything went well. Nka Alis kmi.

    Ang prob ko now eh until now. Di PA ako bumabalik Ng Manila. Umalis ako SA Manila Ng June 19 Ang sabi ko one week lng ako SA Thailand for holidays. Nag travel KSI kmi Ng bf ko SA Malaysia, Cambodia then bumalik kmi Ng thailand.

    Now nag proposed na SA akin Ang bf and plan nmin magksal SA Manila. Plan nmin bumalik SA ktapusan Ng oct. Ngayun nag worry ako. Bka magkaroon Ng prob Kasi may pinirmahan Yung bf na form stated n bblik ako after a week. Pero Hindi kmi nkabalik KSI nag travel kmi. Plan nmin mag stay safe Manila for 3 weeks para mag asikaso Ng kasal then babalik kmi Ng Thailand.

    Ang worry ko bka di kmi pabalikin or harangin kmi ulit Ng OI. BKA magkarron kmi Ng prob SA pag balik nmin SA Manila at pag Alis Namin ulit. Kasi NGA may pinirmahan Ang bf ko n document.

    Any advices na mbibigay nyo SA AKIN?

    Thank you in advance.


  35. Hi. I’m going to England with my daughter soon to stay there for good kasama ang daddy nya English/British. My visa ako, spousal visa ang daughter namin 30 months old ay may British passport so obviously di na nya need ng visa. Ang tanong ko lang ngayon is anu-ano pa kaya ang mga documents needed sa immigration? Wala kaming return ticket obviously kasi nga doon na kami maninirahan for good.
    Your answers will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Mona! I’m sorry, I’m not really familiar with the requirements for people migrating to other countries. You could try the website of the Bureau of Immigration, if you haven’t yet. Good luck!

  36. hi im nika gusto kolang sana ask if ano po yung requirments sa imiggration ,kasi invite ako ng friend ko na US navy na based sa japan american sya anonba yung mga proof na need ko sa imiggration sya yng mag shoulder lahat ng gastos and i dont have work here i hope you reply it will hell me a lot thankyou!!

    1. Hi Nika! Just read this article — it lists the documents required by Immigration — and the articles that are linked to here. Good luck!

  37. hello,

    my husband is a french national, and meron po kami baby 8 months old..yong husband ko ang magbabayad lahat2x sa travel namin.. just want to ask if i still need affidavit of support? or ano requirements needed for me and my bb? kasi hindi naman tourist yong amin.. doon na talaga titira for good. can you pls help me.. takot din kasi ako ma offload.. tnx in advance for the reply..

    1. Hi Rhea! I’m sorry, I’m not really familiar with the requirements for people who are actually migrating to another country. Best of luck to you though.

  38. Good am po ask sana ako kung ano requirements ng Bi kung ta travel po ako with my son na 2 yrs old (illigitimate) may work po ako sa dubai as a manager in salon 3 months na po ako dito plano ko umuwi ngayun november at sunduin ang anak ko tourist visa 90 days, ano po mga kailangan ko po e prepare ? at ano mga question ng Bi ? para iwas hassle . thank u and godbless ;))

  39. Good day po ano mo requirements need ng Bi if ta travel ako with my son na 2 yrs old (illigitimate) may work po ako dito sa dubai as salon manager 3 months na po plano ko sunduin ang anak ko bisa nya ay tourist vida(90days) ano kailangan q e prepare ? ano mga question ng Bi ? pra iwas hassle po. thanks and godbless! 🙂

  40. Hello, we’re going on a trip this january. I’m taking my mother, brother and daughter to HK. My mother is 55 years old and has no job but helps with the family business, should I get her an affidavit of support? What about my four year old daughter? Would be thankful if you get to reply. God bless!

  41. Hi , i my boyfriend and i decided to meet in costa rica just for leisure purposes, he will sponsor everything from flying tickets and all , i don’t have job yet since i just got here 4months ago . With my bank account i am not confident enough with how much i have right now, its lesser . so now my questions are what are the things i have to bring with me aside from photos us together ticket (round trip) and a valid passport.

    Ps I have traveled abroad Dubai(workingvisa) Armenia and georgia (for leisure purposes but i was still working in dubai that time, and my boyfriend paid the ticket) . Please reply asap we planned to travel soonest just we are caught with what documents to carry . Thank you

    1. Hi Karra! Have you read the section of this article with the subheading “What documents do you need to present to the Immigration officer if someone else is sponsoring your trip?”?

  42. Hi! Hope you can help me. My Mom is planning to go here by the end of the month. I’m about to undergo for surgery that was scheduled on Feb 12, but for my doctor changed it to Jan 29 because I am a high-risk patient cuz I have cancer. Since the sudden change of surgery date, I am out of time to get my Mom an affidavit of support. So my question is…does she really need that document? I’m thinking she could just present my medical record, my employment contract that states my salary and our business permit. It’s an emergency and I think the IO would understand.

    1. Hi Andy,

      First of all, I’m very sorry about your illness. I hope your surgery goes well and you become completely healed.

      About the affidavit of support for your mom, I can’t speak for the IO, of course, but I do think they will understand. Just give her as many documents as you can regarding both your condition and your employment and financial status there. If you can’t get her an affidavit of support authenticated by the Philippine embassy/consulate where you are, perhaps you can get a private lawyer to notarize it for you? Or if that’s not an option too, I think you can just write a letter explaining why you could not get an affidavit of support, and attach proof like the schedule for surgery.

      Good luck and take care.


  43. Hello, I’m sorry if I’m late to ask this. I am a government employee and I am planning to travel abroad on April 28 – May 3, 2018. My booked flight will be on April 27, 2018 at about 11:15 PM and will arrive in my destination at around 1:30 in the morning of April 28, will the Immigration Officer question my travel document if my travel authority says that my travel period will be from April 28 – May 3. Will the Immigration Officer question it if my flight will be around 11:15 PM of April 27 and I will be arriving in the morning of April 28 at TPE. Or should I include April 27 in my travel authority? Please help. Thanks.

    1. Hi Ran Dee. I have no personal experience with a travel authority so I’m just gonna think out loud here. If you haven’t gotten the travel authority yet, I would say play it safe and just get a travel authority that includes April 27. BUT if you already have the travel authority that is only from April 28-May 3 — or if you think you’ll find it difficult to get a travel authority that includes April 27 — I think you can just talk your way out of it. If the IO asks, you can just tell him that the travel authority didn’t include April 27 because you still went to work that day (the 27th) or something like that. Of course, like I said, if you still can, it’s best to just play it safe and include the 27th, so you won’t have to be anxious about it. Good luck!

  44. Hi! Great post! This is really helpful and I’m so happy that I found your blog! Thank you for sharing all this info. 🙂 I do have a question, though, about this part: “An Affidavit of Support and Undertaking that is duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate”

    My sister, who is a naturalized British Citizen, is inviting me to visit her in the UK. She will also be sponsoring my trip and stay there. Does she need to have the Affidavit of Support and Undertaking signed by the Philippine embassy there in the UK?

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    1. Hi Justine. I can’t say for sure if the Immigration officer will require it at the airport but if I were in your place, I would ask my sister to secure one unless it would be really difficult for her. If she can’t give you an affidavit authenticated by the Philippine embassy in the UK, your alternative would be to bring to the airport the affidavit/letter of support she will give you for your visa application.

  45. Hi everyone!

    I’ve been swamped by questions on this topic and it’s really no longer possible for me to go through everyone’s situation and give a personalized answer. Sorry. 🙁

    I wrote one final article about this topic and I hope everyone will be able use this to analyze their own situation and decide what documents to bring:

    Best of luck to you all!

  46. Hello and Good evening…. I have these queries and please do assist me for this. Thank you so much in advance for answering me.
    1. I am planning to go for a tour on summer for a month, and my tour and hotel fees will be paid by us both 50/50.
    I am just worried about being offloaded. What are the things I need to ask from him as documents? We are not related to each other but I am going there to visit the places of Taj Mahal, Mahatma Gandhi and the temple. I already have my papers with me, just worried about:
    *An Affidavit of Support and Undertaking that is duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy or consulate
    *Proof that you are related to your sponsor up to the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, such as NSO birth certificates (it is the IO’s duty to trace the relationship, so don’t hate them for suddenly wanting to know each leaf of your family tree)
    – we are not related even up to the 4th civil degree of consanguinity… how will this be????
    Can I still travel???? please help me so that I can prepare ahead of time…. God Bless

  47. Hi po! Hoping you could help… What if my sponsor is not a relative, just a friend? Does that mean I can’t go on with my planned vacation abroad?

  48. hi po; naoffload po ako last sat lng feb3.. well nqueation yung social pass na meron ako at my hinihngi cla na mga supporting docs that i fail to present.. pano po kaya yun eh common relative at friend lng mginvite skn.. ma offload po kaya ult ako pgbalik ko at d ko relative mginvite skn../

  49. Hi! Nakapag book na ako ng flight this feb. 21 to 23 sa thailand. Nakapag book na din ako ng hotel for 2nights with roundtrip ticket.. mejo kinakabahan ako kasi first time solo travel ako (backpacker) plus wala naman ako work. Actually it serves as a graduation gift ng parents ko to. If they ask na kung ano work ng parents ko may 2 businessess kami. Any reccomendations para di ako ma offload? Thank you po!

  50. hello..

    Im travelling to Israel this March to visit my Israeli boyfriend, We want to maximize the 90days allowable stay so we get a tourist permit from Israel immigration (as required before entering Israel) which they paid cash bond for almost half M pesos, everything was paid by my boyfriend. I have the original copy of permit and attached is his notarized letter of support. I read from many post that it should be authenticated by the Phil. Embassy there? I dont think we have much time to do it, is it really necessary? Is there anything else I need to secure to avoid being offloaded? I am really worried as I dont want his money and effort put into waste. Would the permit be enough?

    I have company ID, ITR, COE, & Return ticket. I also get the CFO cert. I can also show our pictures together with family since he already visited me here. I dont have LOA because my company doesnt provide LOA for vacation purposes. I dont have credit card, just debit card with small amount of savings lol.

    Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

  51. Hi! Ask ko lang po if my record in the immigration is i am a govt employee, and i am planning to resign next month, and travel abroad again. Will i need to show a proof that i am resigned already?

    1. Hi Aki! I don’t really know for sure but I would suggest you bring proof, just to be safe. Good luck!

  52. Hello! can I ask? I will be traveling to bangkok this May2018 with friends.. actually group kami like 8 people but im the ony first time traveler outside the country. we already have a roundtrip ticket and hotel reservation.Im also employee, I can provide my COE, company ID, payslip and leave of absence.. but my problem is I’m only a minimum wage income earner which is 366 dito sa Cebu pero naka pag ipon na din na mn ako kasi last year summer pa ito namin na plano. wala din akong bank account pero nkapag ipon na mn ako at 30K pesos ang pera ko na dadalhin. may possibility ba na ma off load ako? Help me po pls of what to do ..

  53. Hello poh ask ko Lang poh if ung friend ko Myron ng visa to visit New Zealand din ung kaibigan nya myron holding a Australia citizens din sabay sila mag travel to New Zealand galing ng phili
    Kaylanngan paba ng affidavit para sa kasama nya she over age anyway and first time nya mag travel
    Ano poh sa tingin ninyo

  54. Hi po. Ask ko lang kung may idea po kayo kung ano yung posible requirements kung mag Travel Thailand. Dito kasi ako sa Israel at balak ko mag bakasyon by May 2019 sa Pinas. Baka kasi may iba pang requirements pag OFW tapos mag travel baka kasi masayang yung ticket pag nagbook kami in advance.

  55. Hello po,ask ko lng po kung anu pong mga documents ang kailangan namin ng anak ko.nagbook po kasi ang father ng anak ko ng ticket namin mag-ina ng 3 months roundtrip ticket.hindi pa po kami kasal pero ang apelyidong gamit ng anak ko ay sa tatay nya na.bale magkikita na po kami sa thailand since nabook na din nya ang ticket nya from germany to bangkok.anu pong mga documents ang kakailanganin po namin pra hndi po kami maquestion sa airport kung sakali..

  56. Gud day po,, pupunta kming Hongkong dis coming Nov po kasama ko Ang anak ko 10 yrs old,, B-Day gift po nmin sa Kanya ng Mr. Ko,, Pero kmi lng pong 2 Ang pupunta,, complete n po Lahat ng bookings nmin with the hotel, RT ticket at Hongkong Disneyland,pinag pinag ipunan po nmin Mag Asawa eto para sa 10bday gift sa Kanya sa hkdisneyland,,my work Ang asawa ko Pero Hindi sa company,,at ako nmn po Ay my online business at buy and sale,, Di naka Reg sa dti,, marami n ako nbasa about offloading..mejo kabado lng po,, as my concern bukod sa my ipon nmn kmi for this travel.. Ano po sa palagay nyo po? OK n po b eto,, hihingi pb ako sa school ng certificate of excuse ng anak ko..

  57. Hi po. Im planning to visit thailand sana. May kaibigan po akong nagtatrabaho doon and she wanted me to go there as tourist. First time travel ko po kasi with my bf sa cambodia non pero di kame natuloy sa thailand. So this time i decided to go alone since yung bf ko po eh bumalik na sa europe. And Bf ko po ang magcacare off lahat ng expenses ko if i will go to thailand kasi po wala po akong work here in Philippines..
    what are the things or documents po pwedeng patunay sa IO para po hindi ako ma offload???

  58. Hello po. Magttour po kase ako ksma ng bf ko sa japan bale swiss po xa. Nanggaling po xa ng switzerland and nandun na po xa sa japan ngaun ksma ng bestfriend nea. May tourist visa na po ako. Xa po ang mgsshoulder lahat ng expenses ko. Nagwoworry po ako bka maoffload ako. May roundtrip ticket at hotel booking na po ako. Xa po ang nagpbook lahat. May work nman po ako dto s pinas kaso job order lng. May coe, employment contract, company id nman po ako.kaso wla po ako leave of absence kc ggmitn ko dayoffs ko. May mga pictures din kmi together ng bf ko kase nagpnta na xa dto sa pinas and nameet na dn nea family ko.ask ko lng po kung kelangan nla ng affidavit of support ng bf ko and kelangan b ipanotarize o ipaauthenticate s philippine embassy s japan. Thank u po.

  59. Hello po im clavel pede po ba mag tanong last 2016 kc dapat mag fflight ako papuntang singapore kc my ex boyfriend invte me to visit then na offload ako ask ko lng po sana if ever mag flight ulit ako meron pa din kaya akong record sa immigration kc last nov 2016 pa ko na offload? And ano po kelangan na rqrments para mawala ung record ko if ever na meron pa?

  60. Hello po ask ko po sana fiance ko Malaysian may anak po kami kaso apelyodo ko gamit ng anak ko. This coming October mag babakasyon kami sa father ng anak ko. Fiance na ang mag sponsor sa byahe namin. .tanong ko lng po kung kailangan paba ng affidavit of support galing sa fiance ko. .. salamat po ..

  61. Hello po. Ask din po ako. May anak po ako sa Malaysian fiance ko pero naka apelyedo sakin ang bata . .nasa pinas kami ngayon ng anak ko. .mag babakasyon kami sa Malaysia sa fiance ko this coming October 2018. Pwede bang invitation letter nalang or Kailangan pa ba ng affidavit of support galing sa fiance ko? siya kasi ang mag sponsor sa trip naming mag ina…. salamat po…

  62. Pa advice po ako. Fiance ko Malaysian may anak po kami pero sakin naka apelyedo ang bata kasi nga hindi sya naka punta sa pagka panganak ko pero sya naman ang gumastos sa lahat hanggang sa ipinanganak ko ang bata. Ngayon gusto ng fiance ko na magbakasyon kami ng anak ko sa Malaysia. .okay lng po ba na invitation letter lng or kailangan talaga ng affidavit of support.? .at sino ang dapat kukuha ng affidavit? .. tulong naman po…salamat

  63. Hello po pa advice po sana. . May fiance is Malaysian may anak kami pero sakin naka apelyedo ang bata kc hnd sya nakarating nong nanganak ako. Gusto ng fiance ko punta kami ng anak ko sa kanya as visit muna mga 1 month lng. Kailangan paba ng affidavit of support galing fiance ko para sa bb ko at sakin? Ano pa ang Kailangan ibang document? .. salamat po

  64. Ask ko lng po … ang gmit ko po na visa ay government visa (90 days ) papunta po akong Riyadh Ano po Mga documents na need ko sa IO.. my ticket na ako one way lang po

  65. Hello po
    I’m planning to go to HK this december 26. 5 days po ako dun for vacation. Meron po kami family business under sa name ng father ko. Ako po yung tumutulong sa pag manage ng business namin. Yung supporting documens daw ay business permit lang namin under sa name ng father ko.. Sapat na po ba yung business permit for supporting documents? Salamat po.

  66. Hi I just want to ask do I need invitation letter from my husband since I have residence visa but laps 1 month and automatic cancel from Dubai immigration and traviling back to dubai via visit visa. I have all papers that I’m married with my husband from Philippines and Dubai I have documents do I need to bring pls help I need advice pls. Thank u

    1. Hi Annalyn. Sorry, I’m afraid I am not familiar with the rules for people with residence or visit visas. If I were in your place, though, I would ask my husband for an invitation letter just in case. Better safe than sorry. Good luck.

      1. Hi po. I will be travelling to south korea po next month. Pero my sponsor is my korean boyfriend. He will be the one to sponsor everything. Need nya po ba magpunta sa philippine embassy sa korea for affidavit of support? I am unemployed po and currently staying in Muscat Oman as tourist. So if ever po dto po ako magpaprocess ng visa. From here to korea po

      2. Hi Minjae! Are you asking for the purpose of getting a visa to Korea or for Immigration? If it’s for a visa, you would have to check with the official website of the Korean embassy there in Muscat, because I don’t know if it’s the same as here. If it’s for going through Immigration… Ordinarily, an affidavit of support can be notarized by any lawyer, not necessarily at a Philippine consulate. But in your case, I think it would be safer if you ask your boyfriend to have the affidavit executed at the Philippine consulate, just to make it more official, especially since you are unemployed and living in another country on a tourist visa, which might raise a red flag in the minds of some officials. Good luck!

  67. Hi ask lng po, magvivisit po yung Bf ko dito for one week, his from Oman ,tapus he wants to bring me in Oman as a 1month tourist visa po..nag alala po aq kc offloaded po aku last week going to Thailand kc doon sana kami Mag memeet, pero na offloaded po ako dahil wala akung work dito sa pinas po, ..pag magtravel ako with him sa country nila,,, possibly ba po na offload ago ulit since my bf nmn ang mag sponsor sa lahat na expenses ko.? At makikita po ba yong offloaded ko before to Thailand?,, anu ano pa po ba ibang kailangn na e peprepare ko na documents kapag magtravel ako kasama siya?sana po masasagut po tong tanung ko,, takot na po aku ma offloaded ulit,, sayang sa efforts and lalong lalo na sayang po ang gasto eh,, I don’t want to waste money even sa Bf yun na expenses, sayang pa din.. .thanks po sa sagut nyo mamaya

  68. Hi ask ko lang po.

    Second time ko na po umalis ng bansa. And this time po wala po akong return flight ticket. Masusubject po ba ako for secondary inspection?
    The real reason po kasi is plan po na magtour pa sa Mexico so magdedepende pa po dun kung kelan makakabalik.

    Unemployed din po ako since yung boyfriend ko naman sasagot lahat ng expense and citizen po siya dun sa bansa na pupuntahan ko. Okay lang po ba yung proof of income niya and letter of invitation na pinasa ko for visa application ang ipakita ko kahit mag 1 year na po yung mga docs sakin? Or need po yung recent?

    Need ko po talaga yung feedback mo. Flight ko na po in 1 week papuntang Canada.

    1. Hi Jenna! I can’t say for sure but there’s a good chance na masusubject ka for secondary inspection kasi basic requirement talaga yung return flight, unless immigrant yung visa mo. If I were in your place, I would book a return flight na pwedeng i-change yung date. Good luck!

  69. Hello, I just need an advise from you. I will be traveling to Tokyo, Japan on August to meet my boyfriend (Pinoy) who works there (not in Tokyo) and at the same time magtotour din kami. My concern is first time ko po magtravel abroad and aside from that ako lang mag-isa papunta doon what should I do? or prepare? I will be exiting in NAIA 3 so kinakabahan ako coz I don’t know what to say if ever they’ll ask me kung sino kasama ko natatakot akong magsinungaling but I know naman na tour lang talaga ang reason ko kaso nga lang with my boyfriend na nagwowork sa Japan pero di naman sya taga Tokyo. What should I do po? thanks.


  71. Hi po, ask ko lng po sana if possible po ba na ma offload ako since unemployed ako for now if yung sponsor ko is yung husband ko at the same time susunduin nya po ako dito then isasabay nya ako pabalik ng Macau for vacation?
    Second time ko na po to travel sa macau but this time kasi wala akong trabaho.. Thanks po

    1. hi po ask ko lng po possible po b n ma offload aq if nka book po ticket ko s dubai agency at kaibigan ko lng po ngpa book nun para skin pinadala lng po nya itenirary ticket ko through email.. ang travel ko po ay from manila to thailand and Thailand to Dubai .. at ang tour ko po ay 1 month lng

  72. Hi po! I’m married to a US citizen and plan namin to spend vacation in other country. Plan namin na dun nalang kami magmeet sa country of destination namin. Ano po ang requirements that i need to prepare for immigration? Thanks

  73. Hi! I will be travelling to Taiwan this January,2020 with my friend (girl). First time for me to travel abroad. Already have hotel accommodation (which is share kami ng friend ko) and kumuha rin po kami Northcoast tour via KLOOK on our second day. Will that be enough para di ako ma-offload? I am unemployed po kasi, yung kasama ko employed. Ano po ba possible requirements pa that I need to prepare for immigration? Please help.. Thanks in advance..

  74. Hi, my Australian bf invited me for a one week holiday in Sydney and he wanted me to stay in his place and cover my accommodation but our problem is we haven’t meet yet so I cannot show any pictures of us together. Although he is willing to send invitation letter and affidavit of support. If I cannot show pictures will that be a problem? am i gonna be offloaded?

  75. Hello po is there any case po na umalis ng pilipinas as tourist at nagtrabaho sa malaysia.. dun na nya nakompleto lahat ng permit nya ang boss nya ang gumawa lahat.. may chance kaya po na makapagbakasyon sya sa pilipinas at makabalik ng malaysia after magbakasyon ng walang problema. salamat po sa sasagot

    1. Hi Maria! As long as meron nang necessary work documents by the time na umalis sya ulit sa Pilipinas, wala naman sigurong magiging problema.

  76. Good pm po ask ko lang po plan ko po sa ang pumunta ng sg next year with my hubby and 3 kids for the 1st time and plan ko din isama ang nanay ko na not a first time mag abroad my hubby have a friend there na iniimbitahan kami will it be ok kung we will state na were travelling via invitation of a friend na dun kami mag stay for siguro 4 to 5 days or no need na for that, hm pocket money do I need. Thank you in advanced.

  77. hello!I will be travelling to singapore this november.I’m an online seller but I don’t have a business permit.I only have dti and brgy cert.Should I register my business to bir?Hindi po ba magtaka ang immigration officer masyadong recent ang pag register? My friend bought my plane tickets and i will be staying at her flat coz she’s a resident.I was offloaded before and i live in the province.Can you please help me on what supporting docs should i prepare

  78. Rosalie Bag-ao says:
    September 29, 2022 at 7:25 pm
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    Hi I am Rose, matagal din na panahon na naghanap ako ng mga post na makakatulong po sa status ko. I am a U. S tourist visa holder given 10 year multiple entry. My Ist time po na nakapasok ako sa u. S that was 2016 and i stayed 5 mos in the u. S and went back to Phil.. And after 4 mos of same year I decided to go back to u. S at ang pinaka sad po is hindi ako nakapasok jan palang sa check in po di na po ako nakapasok di pa ako umabot sa u. S immigration.. With out any reason o na binigay sabi lng i had to see u. S embassy pro di ko din po nagawa kasi di po tayo pwd pumasok na di nakapag appoint.. Isa lng rason na nakita ko na bakit kasi i used dummy or only reserves ticket sa round trip. Not confirmed bookings.. Ano kaya if I will try to go back again.. Makapasok kaya ulit ako? Di naman cancelled ang visa ko.. Salamat po sa masasagot na advice po sa akin.. Godbless

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