— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams


A books and crafts store in Portree, in the Isle of Skye, had several DVDs of the movie Stardust (2007) displayed prominently in one of its shelves. I thought the owner simply liked StardustI do, it’s one of my favorite movies, the book on which it was based is written by Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite writers, and it stars Mark Strong, who’s the absolute bee’s knees as far as I’m concerned. Anyway, it turns out a good chunk of Stardust was actually filmed in Skye, hence the merchandise. I recently re-watched the movie and every time I saw a familiar location I wanted to jump up and shout “Look! I was there!” — except that I was on a plane, alone, and watching the movie on my laptop, so it would have been weird.



The Fairy Glen

The Quiraing

Septimus (Mark Strong) and Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer) at the Quiraing, planning evil plans

And Skye

The Fairy Glen

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The Quiraing mountain range:





Honestly, I’ve run out of superlatives for Skye. And for Scotland. All I can say is that I feel like a part of my heart is still there, and since I don’t know when — if ever — I can return, I guess for now I’ll have to stay just a little bit heartbroken.

Skye and Stardust | © Small-Town Girls, Midnight Trains. All rights reserved. 



9 Responses

  1. Oh how I know that feeling of leaving a piece of your heart somewhere and not knowing if you’ll ever be back to retrieve it. It is heartbreaking, but an awe filled experience as well. A piece of you remains in a distant location and the connection there remains, even if ever so faint.

    1. Yes! You describe it so well, that’s exactly what it feels like… Bittersweet, a beautiful kind of heartbreak.

  2. I’ve wanted to visit Skye ever since I read Richard Hugo’s poetry book about the place, The Right Madness on Skye. But I’ve never made it yet…

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