So…I Fell Down a Boat in Hong Kong

Luckily, I didn’t fall *off* the boat into the water but it was still pretty embarrassing. Here’s what happened.
10 Best Hong Kong Hotels and Hostels Near a Train Station

Many travellers — particularly those who anticipate having to drag suitcases and toddlers — prefer to stay in accommodations with easy access to public transportation. Luckily, there’s no shortage of hotels and hostels near an MTR (train) station in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Airport Express: How to Get Cheaper Tickets Online

There are many reasons why you should take the Hong Kong Airport Express, even though it costs a bit more than the bus. If the price makes you hesitate, here’s a trick to get cheaper tickets.
9 Ways to Hack a Hong Kong Layover

♥ ♥ There are many good reasons why one might be spending a couple of hours at Hong Kong International Airport. In my case, a Hong Kong layover was in the cards even before my actual destination had been decided. International flights are almost always cheaper from Hong Kong than from the Philippines, so when […]
* The old passports got dusted off yesterday because the UK visa application form asked for a list of countries I’d visited in the last 10 years. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t count the number of countries I’d been to — I just don’t want to feel, I said, like I’d turned my back on the rat […]