— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

Tropical island girl here, hello! 🙂 Don’t get me wrong — I adore our frangipani and hibiscus and bougainvillea and sampaguita and, so help me God, our utot-utot (lantana camara), but I have to admit I kind of really want to see cherry blossoms. Preferably with petals raining all around me but I would settle for clumps of them in trees. I think I spotted a few rogue flowers before, during a winter trip, but never really in significant numbers.

While I wouldn’t jump on a plane just to see cherry blossoms, an upcoming spring trip might give me the perfect opportunity to finally see them. In Paris, no less! And so, of course, I immediately went into full SGMT mode: researched, made a list, and plotted it all in a Google Map. 😀 That’s not to say the streets and squares and gardens below are the only places you’ll see cherry blossoms in Paris — I rather suspect I’ll come upon them in the most random places and that of course will be nice — but I thought I’d cross-plot them with our itinerary and see if, say, a particularly nice cherry tree location would be just a block away from one of our destinations. Luckily, some of them are exactly where we were going to go anyway, but we’ll be there in late April so we’ll see.

In the meantime, here are the 24 best places in Paris for spotting cherry blossoms:

SGMT Best places in Paris to spot cherry blossoms
Click on the map to access a larger, labeled Google Map

Where to Spot Cherry Blossoms in Paris

  1. All̩e Vivaldi Рparticularly beautiful at sunset
  2. Cath̩drale Notre-Dame de Paris Рmore specifically, the square behind it, Square Jean XXIII
  3. Champ de Mars and other areas surrounding the Eiffel Tower
  4. Disneyland Paris – far be it from me to suggest that you actually go to Disneyland to see cherry blossoms but if you’re going there anyway…
  5. Jardin Anne-Frank – a small park in the Marais that also has a children’s play area
  6. Jardin des Plantes – has a very large cherry tree that is usually one of the last to bloom in Paris
  7. Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil
  8. Jardin Tino-Rossi – usually bloom in the middle of April
  9. La Coulée Verte (Promenade Plantée)
  10. Montmartre – all around – usually bloom early in spring
  11. Parc Clichy-Batignolles
  12. Parc de Sceaux – particularly the Bosquet Nord
    • Parc de Sceaux is 30 minutes south of Paris by RER B but it’s also home to a small chateau and extensive formal gardens — it is even known as the mini-Versailles — and is thus worth the trip.
  13. Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
  14. Parc Georges Brassens – also has a vineyard
  15. Parc Monceau
  16. Père Lachaise Cemetery
  17. Petit Palais – also featured in my last article Free Things to Do in Paris 
  18. Place Franz Liszt
  19. Rue Monge in the Latin Quarter
  20. Shakespeare & Company – light is great in the early morning hours
  21. Square des Saint-Simoniens
  22. Square Gabriel Piern̩ Рalso contains book-shaped stone benches and a fountain
  23. Square Marie Trintignant
  24. Square Ren̩ Viviani Рalso home to what is said to be the oldest tree in Paris


Wish me luck! 🙂




3 Responses

  1. I was able to see some of it on my first trip to Paris! It was at Giverny and memories of that place were still vivid.

    Are you going to Paris again? If so, lucky you! I can never get enough of Paris!

  2. Oops you already said you’re going in late April! Hope there’s still some left! In japan they are there only for 10 days and they’re gone after that.

    1. I know! I’m hoping I’ll catch the tail end of it at least…might have to go to Jardin des Plantes to see the huge one that they say is often the last to bloom.

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