— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

Something about these two just caught my eye.



Had I stumbled on a tryst? A temporary arrangement? A dangerous liaison? A lifelong affair? A plot? An intrigue? A desperate rendezvous?

Something in their look just didn’t speak “happily married old couple” to me.

But what I do know? I’m in Italy. In Trastevere. And of long, happy marriages, I know nothing.



What do you think?




11 Responses

  1. How about two has-been celebrities who secretly wish the paparazzi were still interested; they momentarily hope the photographer will follow them. But, alas, they depart together toward the world who doesn’t recognize them anymore. 🙁

    Hey, thanks for the prompt–imagination is a great place to visit.

    1. Thanks Alison! I was lucky I saw them and had the chance to snap two quick photos. I don’t think they were too pleased about my photographing them though. 😀 Do you ask your subjects if you can take their photo? You have such awesome shots of people.

    1. Thanks Jess! I was in the right place at the right time. I can’t remember — are you including Italy in your upcoming RTW trip?

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