— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams


My sister and I have been in London since the evening of the 4th and my feet are now hurting like hell we’ve had a jam-packed three days so far. Our friends have been very kind, taking us around London and feeding us, and it’s been a wonderful introduction to the city. On the first day, we went up to Greenwich then made our way down through South Bank, catching all the familiar sights and some not-so-familiar but fascinating ones…


…Sunday, we heard Mass at the Westminster Cathedral then started a 400-mile walk (or what seemed like it) from South Kensington tube station, through the museums, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, Covent Garden, and a couple of Circuses…


…and yesterday, we had brunch with old friends at Borough Market, went up to Platform 9 3/4, had apple pie and coffee at Speedy’s in Euston, checked out “221B” Baker Street, popped into the Oxford Primark (though we didn’t buy anything because the queues were too long), and then my sister treated me to Les Misérables.



We’ve had a truly wonderful time so far, taking in the sounds and sights of Central London, but we’re rather looking forward to tomorrow’s day out — the Stonehenge and Bath Tour with Authentic English Village Lunch with City Wonders. Some people’s beef with coach tours is that a lot of the time is spent sitting on a bus, but honestly, after all the walking we’ve done, I’m quite looking forward to a day of siting for a slightly prolonged period of time, looking out the window, and just sightseeing for a bit.

It’s an exciting itinerary too. The first stop is Bath, a UNESCO World Heritage site which, the moment I started discussing the possibility of going to the UK, everyone told me I should visit. We will then have lunch and a short ramble in the Cotswolds, an area known for its villages that are “quintessentially English” with stone houses, cobblestone streets, and beautiful countryside views. Finally, we will head to Stonehenge, which, well, really needs no description. All that on one day tour from London. Can’t wait!

There’s still so much I’d like to share about our London tour, and a lot of people have been asking for a copy of our London itinerary, which I’ll try to post about sometime, but most of it will have to wait until I get back home. In the meantime, I hope everyone’s having a wonderful week. Cheers. 🙂

11 Responses

  1. So excited for you. Sounds like you’re having a fabulous time. I love London. The bus tour sounds great. I haven’t been to Bath, but the Cotswolds are beautiful, and I was lucky enough to get to Stonehenge before they put a fence around it – but it is still amazing!

  2. I just speed read this…I didn’t see this post before and I’m so interested in everything you’re going to report. I’m thrilled you’re having such a wonderful time or did in London(before the train mishap!) and can’t wait to hear more about these places especially the Cotswolds and Bath. I don’t usually mind a coach tour either for the same reason. It’s sometimes the only real break, other than sleeping in the hotel which I’m often too wired to really get a good one in, and I’m content to see the scenery out the bus window. I’m actually dying to see what the authentic English lunch is. Keep having a fabulous time and taking it all in!

    1. I’ll write about Bath/Cotswolds/Stonehenge next. The lunch…ugh I forgot what the name of the dish was, but it was chicken with a cream sauce and it was very tasty.

  3. Hi! We’re planning on visiting London end of August to September… and I’m sort of in the middle of deciding what clothes to bring.. I’ve been to four-season countries but it seems September in London is a bit colder than most? How was the temperature when you visited?

    1. Hi Jaepooh! It varied — some days it felt cold, some not so. I think the weather confuses even the locals, like our friends who live in London went sightseeing with us one day, and it was really cold, so the next day they wore their thermals and then regretted it because the day turned out to be warm. What I personally did was I wore a thermal shirt everyday, and if it was warm, I would wear just that, but if it got cold, I would slip on an additional layer or two. I hope that helps! Enjoy your trip. 🙂

  4. Hi. I am saving for this London travel since March of this year. I have 3 years to save up and I am so worried if i will be able to pass the visa requirement. I am currently unemployed, just doing some helping on my best friend’s business. Can you give me some advice on what should i prepare since i lack ITR and maybe samples of letters (if applicable) for explanation of my situation. And oh, it will be my first out of the country trip. Thanks and more power to your blog.

    1. Hi Glizza! First of all, I’m sorry for the delayed reply, I’ve been really busy lately. I’m happy and excited for you that you’re planning a trip to London and starting saving for it. You would need to show them where your money for the trip is coming from, so if you are paying for your trip from the income that you get from helping your friend, maybe you could ask your friend to make a contract for you? It doesn’t have to be an employment contract, you could be like a consultant or a contractor to the business. Get your friend to make the contract now, so that three years from now, it will really show that you have a steady source of income. If you don’t have a bank account yet, open one, and make sure you deposit your earnings at least once a month, again to prove that you have a steady source of income. If you can, try to get a close relative (preferably your parents or siblings) to make an affidavit of support for your trip. Also, the authorities tend to be tougher/stricter on first time travelers, so if you can, try to travel abroad 1 or 2 times first, even if it’s just within Southeast Asia. Good luck with everything and I hope you will enjoy your future trip. Rooting for you! xx

  5. Thank you! I have been looking for sites to answer my questions regarding my travel plan. I am so anxious that I am losing hope if i can pursue my dream trip. I love your blog because it is so detailed and very easy to understand. I hope to see you post lots and lots of your travel experience. Good job!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Glizza. And please don’t ever lose hope. If I may share my experience, I really wanted to take my whole family to Europe next year, but even now, even though I’m trying to save as much as I can every month, I’ve realized that I really won’t be able to afford the trip next year. So I’m gonna have to postpone it till 2018 or 2019, but I won’t give up. Don’t give up too! If it’s really a dream of ours, we can make it happen, sooner or later. 🙂

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