— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

The Moment

– There is that moment while traveling when you look upon a scene and suddenly comprehend why it’s been described as breathtaking, because literally you’ve sucked in a sharp breath and forgotten to exhale, transfixed by what you see. One of those moments for me occurred in Nice. My sister and I had planned to […]

7 countries in 18 days: A sample European itinerary

What do you do if you’ve got 18 days in Europe and want to see a little bit of everything? See a little bit of everything! 7 countries, 9 cities in 18 days. (Well, it’s actually 5 countries, 1 city-state, and 1 principality, but the latter two are technically countries, and “7 countries” somehow makes it […]