Munich’s delightful contradictions
. When I think of Germany, I think of cars, I think of discipline, I think of science and technology, I think of…oh, all sorts of unromantic things that aren’t exactly the stuff of travel dreams. I found myself in Munich only because my companion wanted to visit at least one German city during our European […]
7 countries in 18 days: A sample European itinerary
What do you do if you’ve got 18 days in Europe and want to see a little bit of everything? See a little bit of everything! 7 countries, 9 cities in 18 days. (Well, it’s actually 5 countries, 1 city-state, and 1 principality, but the latter two are technically countries, and “7 countries” somehow makes it […]
Europe for the Heartbroken: 7 Perfect Places for Healing from a Broken Heart (3/7)

(This may or may not be based on personal experience.) -3- Munich * Munich is a good place to get drunk to think about two things: letting go and letting live. After a heartbreak, you can find yourself at a loss to comprehend what just happened. One minute everything seems to be going perfectly; the next […]
Munich on My Mind
. Standing in this square gave me the shivers. It was a wet, gloomy day, and I was in Munich, part of a walking tour group that had so far made its way through a winding path from the Marienplatz to Odeonsplatz. I am normally a frugal DIY traveler — out of habit and necessity […]