A Goodbye to Bourdain

There were times I loved him and there were times I thoroughly disliked him. But I don’t know if I’d ever have thought of writing a blog like this if it hadn’t been for Anthony Bourdain.
The Train to Leiden

Before we knew it, tulip fields in all their blazing glory were parading outside like a color punch in the eye.
Watch a Movie at Pathé Tuschinski (Thank Me Later)

Those were the words someone posted on a forum somewhere — I can’t find it anymore — while I was researching free/cheap things to do in Amsterdam. “Watch a movie at the Pathé Tuschinski. You can thank me later.” As it happened, I was looking for a cinema in which to watch Avengers: Infinity War.
Springtime Walks in Amsterdam’s Vondelpark

A walk (or two, or three) in Vondelpark is a must-do if you’re in Amsterdam in spring.
Stayokay Amsterdam Vondelpark

Stayokay Amsterdam Vondelpark is hands down one of the best hostels I’ve ever stayed in. Our room was spacious; the atmosphere was cheerful without being chaotic or noisy; gorgeous Vondelpark had an entrance just outside the front door; so many other attractions were close by; and the breakfast was great.
Spring in Amsterdam with the Whole Family (At Last!)

Thirty years ago, my father was sent by Philippine Airlines to Amsterdam to learn how to maintain the Fokker 50. It was his first trip outside of Asia and his first time away from the family for longer than a week. Long-distance calls cost an arm and a leg in those days and even dial-up […]