Goodbye, 2020. Hello again, everyone.

Hey, everyone! I didn’t want to let this freaky year go by without writing something here. If you’re reading this…I guess we both made it. If you lost someone this year, I’m sorry. I lost an uncle, my mother’s eldest brother. He lived just a couple of meters away from us and our families were […]
A Goodbye to Dave

♠ The name Dave Stringer won’t mean much to many. His reach wasn’t quite Bourdain level; his death won’t trigger quite as many tributes. Nonetheless he was a great inspiration to me and to all who read his blog. Dave was a nonsmoker who, because life is unfair, got lung cancer anyway. His diagnosis being […]
A Goodbye to Bourdain

There were times I loved him and there were times I thoroughly disliked him. But I don’t know if I’d ever have thought of writing a blog like this if it hadn’t been for Anthony Bourdain.
Countdown to a Dream

There’s no particular reason why you should have been at my home page recently but if you had, you might have noticed a countdown widget. Today it stands at 43 days, close enough that I’m starting to get anxious and excited at the same time. It’s counting down to–hurray!–my first ever trip to Europe with my family.
When do you start saying “Good evening”?

Serious question to all you folks with four seasons: when do you stop saying “good afternoon” and start saying “good evening”? . . Here in the Philippines, our sunsets are rarely, if ever, more than half an hour before or after 6 PM. It gets dark at practically the same time whole year, so we […]
Go On, You Know You Want To

Perhaps now, more than ever, I’ve become quite conscious of mortality, my own and that of my loved ones. Viewed through the lens of finiteness, it seems to me more than ever imperative that I make the most out of life.