— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

SGMT | Painted Hall, London
SGMT Fb London reflecting mirror

Exactly a year ago, at the Painted Hall of the Old Royal Naval College, London.

It was our first day out and about in London. Our friends had asked us where we wanted to go and we’d said we’d like to see their favorite places in town, so Adam took us to Greenwich. The Painted Hall was one of our first stops. Originally conceived by Sir Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor as a dining hall for naval pensioners, the Painted Hall has since been described as “the Sistine Chapel of the UK,” and its painted walls and ceilings by Sir James Thornhill are indeed a sight to behold. Mirrors, such as the one pictured above, are strategically placed around the building, enabling visitors to examine Thornhill’s masterpiece without having to keep their necks in perpetual hyperextension.

Fast forward a year later. I haven’t traveled overseas in a while — and I haven’t written much lately either. There’s just been so many things going on, responsibilities, old and new. Travel while you’re young, they say; travel while you can, before life’s commitments start weighing you down. But oddly enough, I don’t feel chained by my responsibilities at all. In a way, I’m glad that there’s more to my life than just me, than just what I want. I’ve said travel is the food of my soul, and it still is, and it always will be, but now my spirit draws sustenance from many other things too. And just like a simple dining hall can end up being a grand work of art, the little things in life, if you pour your heart and soul into them, can turn out to be a greater adventure and give you greater joy than any trip in the world.


10 Responses

  1. I have never heard of this place! It looks amazing. How brilliant that put the mirrors in – what a clever idea. It sounds as though you’re at peace with where your life is at. And remember travel is for any age! Sometimes it’s even better when your’e older.

    1. Thank you Alison! You and Don are truly inspiring. I am actually looking forward to traveling when I’m a bit older — I’m already thinking of “dragging” my son along with me on a walking holiday when he turns 18. 🙂

      1. Hi, I think last time you said that Cebu was out-of-the-way but I don’t really know the geography well so I just wanted to say that I hope you and your family and friends are safe and comfortable from the typhoon.

      2. Hi! We had a bit of wind and rain but we weren’t directly in the path of the typhoon. Thanks so much! Hey, how did your Halloween go? I know it’s probably like your favorite holiday…

  2. I hope you will manage to find inspiration despite new responsibilities… or why not because of them 🙂 hope all is well on your end and you and your lil one are healthy and happy… ♥

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