“You haven’t seemed much interested in anything. I wonder why you travel, sometimes. Most men leave home to learn about the wider world. You don’t seem to want to know.”
A different sort of elbow in the ribs. Blaise thought of stating as much, but after a moment said only, “Some men leave home to leave home.” –Guy Gavriel Kay, A Song for Arbonne
Go away.
Travel far enough.
Travel till you’ve outrun the grief; travel till you’ve made peace with it.
Travel till you find ease for your tired heart; travel till you find solace.
Travel till you find a place that understands loss,
Understands you, what you lost.
Get lost.
Travel till you no longer need to be found.
Travel till you’re no longer afraid of what you’ll find, face to face with what you ran away from.
Travel till fighting feels better than flight.
Travel till you feel.
Travel till you heal.
Travel till you no longer fear hope.
Travel to a place that makes you believe,
Or makes you think you could believe again, someday.
Feel alive again, someday.
Travel till you accidentally find yourself smiling again, finally.
Finally, you’re home.
Wonderful Gaia. Travel can be a remedy for so much. Did you see the movie with Martin Sheen called The Way? It’s about walking the Camino. But it’s really about a man dealing with his grief, but also about finding himself through travel.
I did! That was a really great journey for him. Though I’m amazed he was able to do it just like *that*. I know some people who did training walks before they could go on the Camino. Did you do the same, when you were there?
I haven’t been there 🙁 Walking the Camino has been a dream for over 15 years. Maybe it will happen, maybe not. Maybe I’m already walking *my* Camino. If I were to become committed to it I would certainly be doing training walks!
Ohh! I’m not sure why I thought you had gone on the Camino but…anyway…yes, I think you’re walking on your own special Camino, and it’s been a beautiful journey, regardless of whether or not it will eventually include the Camino de Santiago. xx
That was beautiful. When I suffered a heartbreak I turned to travel too. And that really helped a lot in the healing process. In fact, at the end, I discovered that I was over it. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this.l
Thank you. <3 🙂
Nice one, Gay! You didn’t tell us that you’re a poet! 🙂
I’m not, but thank you!! 🙂