— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

That’s my sister crossing Honeymoon Bridge to get to the first of the famous Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains, Australia. If you’re wondering: yes, that valley is deep! Crossing the bridge wasn’t scary but climbing back up those stairs sure got me hyperventilating.

Incidentally, my sister is the second sister. I’m the first sister and there’s my shadow on the first Sister (har har):

SGMT Australia Blue Mountains Katoomba 14 Honeymoon Bridge to the First of the Three Sisters


And here’s a shot of all Three Sisters, taken at sunrise from Echo Point in Katoomba:

SGMT Australia Blue Mountains Katoomba 15 Sunrise Over the Three Sisters at Echo Point

There were actually three of us hiking that morning — me, my sister, and my father — so I suppose my dad can be the Third Sister. 😀 Seriously, though, I was really proud of him for coming with us then because he has bum knees and it was quite a walk from our hostel to Echo Point and on to Honeymoon Bridge. (Plus the walk back!) He didn’t go down to the bridge and the first Sister, but he went all the way to just before the super steep stairs, so it was quite an accomplishment. What with my father getting older and my sister living in another island, hikes like this aren’t something we get to do everyday (or even every year) so this one was really special.

Here’s hoping we get to do more and with my mum this time!




5 Responses

    1. Haha! Yeah, Katoomba has a nice network of trails, most of them along the cliffs or going right into Jamison Valley itself. It’s a great place for a hike.

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