…when people care enough to take the time to say they “don’t care” about an article you’ve written. Nah, I’m kidding. I’m really just savoring my 15 minutes while it lasts, and noticing negative reactions so my head doesn’t inadvertently mushroom from all the encouragement I’ve been getting from my friends. (They’re probably like: yazzzzz, it’s not only us she’s spamming now. Haha!) Anyway, Rappler accepts contributions — you can email your work to desk@rappler.com.
Congratulations! I saw this on my FB wall, clicked on it, was led to Rappler’s page, then your blog when I clicked on your profile. 🙂
Thanks milai! You should try submitting to Rappler too!
I read this one as I needed some tips for my upcoming travel. Was happy to see that you’re the author! Congrats and looking forward to reading more of your articles in Rappler!
Thank you! 🙂 Submit ka rin! 🙂
Congratulations! Ako rin, gusto ko magsubmit. Paano ba? Haha
Thanks Jay. Oo, you should definitely submit!! Just send your article to desk@rappler.com.
Congratulations! Good Writing.
Thank you! Hey, you should submit an article to Rappler too, about why you’re coming to the Philippines. I’m pretty sure they’ll love it!
Congratulations 🙂 and I am happy I finally found out your name 🙂 Gaya, you should put it somewhere here on the blog too, as I was looking for it and couldnt find it…
Thank you! Haha, I know, I was intending at first to be kind of anonymous, but then it was just too much work to maintain the anonymity. 😀
Congratulations! I have some questions:
1. What are the guidelines to submit an article?
2. How tough it is to get an article published?
3. How many days did it take before you got an approval?
4. Should I submit the entire article?
5. How do you protect your submission from being copied?
6. Is it true that you have to personally know an editor or a writer for an article to be considered? Thanks!
Thank you!
1. I don’t know if they have formal guidelines for submissions. When I first submitted an article to them, I just emailed it (body text, not as an attachment) to desk@rappler.com. If they decide to publish it, they will usually ask you for a short bio and a profile pic.
2. I can only speak from my experience. Some articles get accepted, some get sent back with instructions/suggestions for revisions, and some get rejected outright.
3. They are usually quick to respond, from a couple of hours to maybe 2 days after you submit.
4. I don’t know if you should, but I did. If it’s your first time, it’s probably a good idea to submit the entire article, so they can size it up better. If they invite you to submit a pitch for articles, that’s probably the time you can send in an outline.
5. I haven’t really taken any steps yet to protect my work. I know I probably should, but I haven’t given it much thought yet.
6. For Rappler, no. I don’t know a single soul there, and that’s why I like submitting stuff to them, because with them it doesn’t seem to matter who one does or doesn’t know (I have no patience for kissing behinds and buttering people up). But I suspect in some other publications — looking at how the columnists/contributors all seem to know each other, and given that there are people who write better but haven’t been considered for a column/contributorship — I suspect yes. Or perhaps that’s just me being bitchy. 😀
I hope that helps and I look forward to seeing your work soon!