— travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams —

travel inspiration for small budgets and big dreams

Cebu Sinulog 01

Every time I go home after Sinulog, there are always things I wish I’d done that would have made my Sinulog experience even better. I finally remembered them this year (though not quite in time for #4). This counts as my advice to Sinulog newbies too!

  1. Book a hotel along the parade route. Nearby roads are closed during the parade, and parking spaces in the vicinity are limited, so unless you like having to do a fair amount of walking, staying nearby is a good idea. Not only are the Sinulog festivities right on your doorstep, you can also take a midday break if you’re so inclined. (The parade also pauses around noon to allow performers to take their lunch and catch their breath.) Hotels between Ayala (Cebu Business Park) and Gen. Maxilom (Mango) Avenue strike a good balance in terms of pre-, during, and post-Sinulog convenience.
  2. Bring a chair. It’s fun to walk and shove your way throughΒ mingle with the crowd, but sometimes it’s nice to rest for a bit and just watch the dances. You don’t have to bring an actual Tiffany chair — a tiny cloth folding stool that you can fit into a backpack would be perfect.
  3. Pack an umbrella. They say no one gets sick from a Sinulog rain, but unless you’ve got faith at least as big as a mustard seed (that is, you’ve actually succeeded in convincing a mountain to throw itself into the sea), better bring an umbrella — it’ll also be useful in scorching sunshine.
  4. Join the Sinulog photo contest. Even if you have as much chance of winning a photography competition as I do (which is to say: almost none), you’ll at least get a lanyard (**insert Agents of SHIELD-Patton Oswalt-the brothers Koenig reference here**) and access to sections of the street usually reserved for performers. That is, if you don’t mind shelling out the registration fee — it’s PHP 1,800 this year.
  5. Pre-arrange meetups with friends. Mobile networks are always crashing during Sinulog, probably due to the sheer number and density of cell phone users, so make sure you and your friends/family set up a specific time and place to meet in case your calls and text messages don’t come through.

Cebu Sinulog 02

Enjoy Sinulog! πŸ™‚

5 Things I Always Wish I Remembered to Do Every Sinulog” was created by LSS for travel site Small-Town Girls, Midnight Trains. All rights reserved.Β 

12 Responses

  1. You take interesting pictures which also happen to be gorgeous–you should go for it with the contest! I’m sure loads of people don’t bother for having the same thinking as you, I hope you’ll enter next time!

  2. I’m so bummed I missed out on Sinulog πŸ™ the flights were getting to expensive from Manila. But great tips for next year πŸ™‚

    1. Yes, but nothing worth posting! πŸ˜€ I didn’t get to really join in the festivities this year because my son is still too little to walk in such huge crowds but too heavy to carry around. πŸ˜€ I will try to get better photos next year. πŸ™‚

  3. Very helpful tips especially the 5th one :). Also, in the event that you get separated from your friends/family in the sea of people, you should agree on a meeting place beforehand.

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